Vulcan T'Pau type Transport/Defense Cruiser Vulcan T'Pau type Transport/Defense Cruiser

(3 votes)
mishkaco, 2008-05-12

mishkaco is at it again. You're going to see a lot of stuff in the next little while as part of this "ongoing effort" and some of it's stuff I've been waiting to see. Like this ship-- it's a Vulcan transport like the ones seen in various TNG, DS9 and other episodes commonly referred to as the T'Pau type (or occasionally mislabeled as the Apollo class).

The ship itself looks good, at least as drab Vulcan ships go. Its only real fault is that, well, it doesn't come with a buildbutton or a wireframe. Admirals' log pic is included, along with about seven textures about 200KB each, and a .SOD file. mishkaco went so far as to put together two .ODF files --one configured as an assault transport, the other a colony ship. Either way you want to use it, this is a welcome addition to the standard non-Starfleet UFP ships.



This is the T'Pau Class (sometimes referred to as the Apollo Class) Vulcan starship. It is the workhorse Vulcan vessel of the 24th century and has been in service for decades. It as seen as a troop transport in TNG, in season 5, being used by the Romulans in a failed attempted to invade Vulcan.
In Ds9, it was seen as a slightly modified model, as a Vulcan defnse cruiser. These ships were used for patrol during the Dominion War.
This is the DS9 version. I chose to use this one because of its brownish colour, which better matches other Vulcan ships.
I hope you enjoy this model. I am surprised no one else has released a T'Pau for A2. I like to use it as either a colony ship, or assault vessel. Both ODFs have been included. Remain either:
then put all the TGA files in *texturesrgb
the SOD in *sod
the bmp in *bitmapsadmiralslogshipimages

Original SFC model by, Tyrel Lohr.
Converted to A2 by Fahres
ODFs by me, Mishkaco

This is a part of my on going effort to provide more cannon Star Trek and Star Wars ships for everyone's use in Armada2.


Version  v1.0  Author  mishkaco  Website   
Downloads  726  Size  276.05 KB  Created  2008-05-12 



#1 cappy1962 2008-05-12 18:30
It would certainly be nice if a pic were made available so that you can see what you may or may not wish to download.

Just for the record, our member responsible for these models, mishkaco, is blind. That's why you get no previews with these files. The admiral's log pics are typically taken from screencaps rather than in-game. So in future, keep your "show us your warp nacelles" comments to yourself until someone on staff has had the opportunity to add the pics we need to make ourselves in order to fully upload this mod. Your patience is appreciated. -tSk 8)
#2 ameba 2008-05-14 07:57
ware surely are so patient in this case. thnask you, mishkaco.
#3 ameba 2008-05-14 07:58
and i promise to learn typing soon

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