Typhon and Valkyrie
A few years ago, a quaint little game called 'Star Trek: Invasion' came out, which being blunt, was pretty awesome. You were essentially testing out a prototype fighter (the Valkyrie) in the experimental carrier ship, the Typhon (which was actually pretty small when compared to a Sovereign). Both needed each other and thus, many missions ensued with you in your ever-upgrading Valkyrie jumping from task to task like it was any ordinary day; from fighting the Romulans and aiding the Klingons, to fighting two thought-to-be-extinct races, an armada of Borg ships and because it has to, a renegade Starfleet captain (of the USS Sentinel, Sovereign class).
Today, we get what made that game great. And no, that isn't fighters with quantum torpedoes (oh, that was fun). What is in here though is the Typhon class, with enough hull to punch through the enemy lines and enough shielding to deploy into Launch Mode and let the Valkyries loose (i.e. building them). The system is pretty intuitive, as you simply build the costly Typhon and as soon as it leaves the dock, you can change from Fortress Mode (with inaccurate pulse phasers, to relate to how in Invasion turrets were manned, not automated) to the Launch Mode where you can build three types of Valkyrie that play out slightly different. Not too much, but it is certainly discernable.
The Typhon it self doesn't pack a punch, so simply pumping these out is not going to achieve anything note-worthy. Deploy with the Valkyries though and you have something of a powerful, albeit poor defense, attack force in the manageable Valkyrie fighters. Whilst it's a shame that the other variations of Valkyrie were included (there were 3 types) along with any of the multiplayer fighters and enemy craft from the campaign, what is present is nicely executed and gets the feeling across of gritty warfare. Textures fit the bill, along with the models and they're all complete with build buttons and wireframes, which certainly look the part.
To really get the use out of this though, you really need to 'micro-manage' your forces. You can't just build Valkyrie and expect them to do lots of damage. They will, but if you simply order them, they'll lose a lot of attack power as your forces get diminished and slowly, you'll find a drain on your resources becoming significant. Attack, control then retreat to the safety of your deployed Fortress Typhon. All in all though, very good fun. It's a charming little package, definitely.
Readme File for the Star Trek Armada 2: Invasion Minimod
Contents of this ZIP:
All models from Invasion that i have personally converted and worked with. The texture files that are associated with the models, and the corrisponding ODF files created for the mod.
OK, so to install the mod, you need to have some experience putting these files into their correct places, so to recap, here are the destination folders:
If you are adding this mod to your own custom game, not just a dump into A2, then you will need to know how to mod the files accordingly, which i will assume you all do. Just open up the right files, copy and past, and there you go.
If you plan to release any part of this mod in conjunction with your own material, you must give credit to where it is do, and ask permission from me as I am the one releasing this mod. All credits read as follows:
Valkyrie Fighters (all):
Mesh and Original Texture: Activision/Warthog
Modifications to mesh and Textures: Epytron_Omega
Ships ODFs/Weapons ODFs: Epytron_Omega
Buttons/Wireframes/AdmiralsLogs Pictures: Epytron_Omega
Ship Physics: Thunderfoot
Typhon (Open and Closed):
Mesh and Original Texture: Activision/Warthog
Modifications to mesh and Textures: Epytron_Omega
Ships ODFs/Weapons ODFs: Epytron_Omega
Buttons/Wireframes/AdmiralsLogs Pictures: Epytron_Omega
Ship Physics: Thunderfoot
if you have any input or questions, please feel free to email me at dauntless01aATgmailDOTcom
I in no way own any rights to Star Trek, this mod is just for fun and the credits are where they should be.
Version | Author | Epytron Omega | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,388 | Size | 1.51 MB | Created | 2008-01-21 |
fvalkw1 valkwire 256 256 256 256
fvalk9w1 valkwire 256 256 256 256
fvalkpw1 valkwire 256 256 256 256
fvalk2w1 valkwire2 256 256 256 256
fvalk3w1 valkwire3 256 256 256 256
ftyphw1 typhonwire 256 256 256 256
ftyphonw1 typhon1wire 256 256 256 256
Any suggestions on how to get the ship to work correctly? Thanks for the assist
and is available at AFC in the downloads section.
But I doubt that is compatible with this mod. (Different HP´s etc.)