Terran Achilles
This is a version by Omega_Mod_God of HMS_Frontier's Achilles class model, done up as a Terran Empire version. This is really a nice take on the model. The Terran rebels wouldn't have needed a Defiant built for them if they'd been able to get their hands on this beauty!
Omega_Mod_God points out that the Terran symbols were a little overdone, but I disagree. If anything, this is an understated re-texture. And it won't overwrite any other Achilles you're using.
Note that there is no buildbutton, wireframe or admirals' log pic included. And next time, Omega, if you could please include some screenshots?
Nice work.
Terran Achillies Class
Original model: DEEMON
Original Textures: Blurb23
Edited Textures: Omega_mod_god (Me)
Original Mesh: Blurb23
Minor Editing of Mesh reference: Apoclaydon
Put all files into corresponding folders.
put builditemXX = "terran_achilles" into the desired shipyard
put terran_achilles.odf 0 in all necessary tech trees
I do not include any build buttons, you can easily make one with your choice of photoshoping program.
If You would like to put this in Your Mod You can.
If You want To convert this to Any Other Game Please zsk Blurb23 for permisson, You can email him via BC Files Email Member
Do Not Re-realase Original or This Mod With Out Permision from HMS_Frontier
This mod is not supported by Activision, MaD Doc, or any other contributors to Armada 2 development.
Niether I nor HMS are responsible for damage to these files.
You can contact me at Excalibur414@gmail.com
I have not been able to get a recent address for HMS_Frontier, if anyone happens to know a newer address you may inform me. So far the most recent one I am aware of is HMS_Frontier@startrek-armada.co.uk
Version | (HMS) 1.0 | Author | Omega_Mod_God | Website | |
Downloads | 637 | Size | 978.55 KB | Created | 2010-04-02 |