raptor assault escort
This file includes the raptor class assault escort, and 2 slight kitbashes. raptorv1 (the original) raptorv2 and raptorv3 (no relation to the Raptor from BSG)
It's a cheap (175D, 100M) cruiser ship armed with 2 cruiser phasers, and two cruiser torps, totalling about double the damage than the stock Sovereign class can inflict, while having shields a little bit stronger. And it's got a Chain Reaction Pulsar. In my opinion, this could possibly be a little excessive for a cruiser in this price range. Still, that's easy to adjust to your preference.
This file only contains the model, ODF's and textures, it's lacking a wireframe, build button and admirals log picture.
- Freyr
raptor assault escort
so, i figured i wanted to expand the line of avail escort designs for the feds, these 3 ships use the same textures, and basic theme- small, heavy hitting ships. armed with underbelly torpedo turrets, able to fire 4 at a time from all 4 rear and 4 forward tubes. this ship is also equipped ith phasers. ho01 and hp02 are the pulse cannon hardpoints.
give credit, and email any questions- christopherserge@live.com
Version | Author | captianmacgyver | Website | ||
Downloads | 534 | Size | 1,000.15 KB | Created | 2010-05-16 |