Phalanx Class
This is the Federation Starship Phalanx (or one of that class anyway). Looks quite nice. As stated in the ReadMe, those that know of this Class already within the Armada II community, probably do so via Fleet Operations of Future Wars.
For me, whilst uncanon, it looks quite nice. Has the reminence of an Intrepid Class, along with some fancy other bits and pieces scattered around. Can't say I'm too fond of the 'Weapons Pod' - I find too many ships have that, when not suited, regardless, this is a fine addition to the Federation Fleet.
- Ash
by Michael Kelly
Contact -
This is my interpretation of the Phalanx class that has featured in both "Fleet Operations" & the "Future Wars" mods. I plan to eventually do a another version that will hopefully be better than this one, but for now, enjoy.
Any comments you have are welcome. you are also free to include this mod in your own mods, just include me in your credits list. Thankyou.
Just copy and paste the folders into the main game folder. Certain files are modified originals, so if you wish to integrate this mod into your game with a pre-installed mod, you should extract the files to a seperate folder and incorporate them as you see fit.
Version | Author | Michael Kelly | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,198 | Size | 917.06 KB | Created | 2007-06-17 |