Neutron Class
This is the Neutron Class - Nebula/Galaxy Class variant.
This file is without any ODF so don't expect this to work straight away, in order for me to test this ship in game I had to duplicate the Galaxy's ODF and make the sufficient changes, so in that respect this mod is unfinished as it needs you to modify it to play it. The model quality is good and the concept is very cool, it even looks like it was a ship from the series itself but the textures are incomplete - the ventral side of the hull has two different shaded hull textures and the engineering section is not textured correctly. To be fair this ship has potential but the author released this way too soon, screenshots weren't even added (I did that myself while testing the ship).
I would give it 8 for concept, 9 for potential but only 5 for implementation/execution.. hopefully the author will release a complete version of this vessel :|
Neutron Class By HMS_Frontier
Created in the mid 24th century based on the nubula class but deisended with strong shields to so it study stars
So you will have to wright your own odf file it is a medium crusier but how strong or weak it is is up to you I will release a full version at a latter date
Origanal Model Mad Doc
Textures Mad Doc/Activision
Model Modifications HMS_Frontier
Weapon hp
Phasers hp02 to hp19
Rear Torpidoes hp20
You may use this in your mod or release this model but give me credit
Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Armada, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
Version | Author | HMS_Frontier | Website | ||
Downloads | 719 | Size | 1.81 MB | Created | 2007-07-26 |
I assume that you created this in Milkshape? if so, make sure that all materials have black ambient, white diffuse, black emissive and white specular. This will allow them to not only show lightmaps on all sections properly but also will remove the problems of the different shaded textures.
A good attempt, if these changes are made, it will be a fine ship. 7/10
All stock units use this material format. i've found that as long a sa .TGA with lightmaps is used on the model, the settings are perfect.
Well, for my rating, I would have to say LOWER. Yeah, the concept might of gave this mod abit points, but the implementaions and sorts....NOT GOOD in my opinion. Until a much better COMPLETE version can be released, I don't think this is downloading-worthy(sorry).
People just get to lazy these days and want submissions to have everything in it.
In a Total Conversion or Race mod that is required but in single releases only a SOD and it's textures are required.
I checked the fbattle and it's set like so:
black ambient ________ white diffuse
black specular________ white emissive
Are you sure you got the settings right? Also, what if the TGA has no lightmaps/transparencies/alphas? Would these settings still apply?
In a texture without lightmaps, the ship should just (theoretically) be darkened without any lighting other than that on the map. I've never used a ship without lightmaps myself though I'm not entierely sure of the effects.
NB - the emissive is the natural glow of the texture, setting it to black negates it and allows the lighmaps through. Diffuse is the base colour, useful for tholian ships when set to a light blue. The ambient is what colours are displayed via lightmaps and the specular is the level of lightmap detail.
Anyway, heres not the place to discuss it. That's what the forums are for, if anyone needs help or clarification, post there. I'm always around.