Nebula class Melbourne/ Fargo variants
This folder contains another 2 variants of the Nebula class.
The Melbourne variant and the Fargo variant. A request was made, so here they are.
Important Note:
Make a backup of your existing files, just to be on the safe side.
As allways, thanks to Wrath of Achilles for his Texture Tutorial and Major A Payne for his SodTutorial.
All meshes, textures, etc are by me.
Federation Ship Names by by Captain Maxwell
Please note:
I cannot be hold responsible for any damage or problems otherwise regarding this model.
You may use this ship in your mod, just give credit where its do.
Thank you for downloading.
Readme File:
This folder contains another 2 variants of the Nebula class.
The Melbourne variant and the Fargo variant. A request was made, so here they are.
Important Note:
Make a backup of your existing files, just to be on the safe side.
As allways, thanks to Wrath of Achilles for his Texture Tutorial and Major A Payne for his SodTutorial.
All meshes, textures, etc are by me.
Federation Ship Names by by Captain Maxwell
Please note:
I cannot be hold responsible for any damage or problems otherwise regarding this model.
You may use this ship in your mod, just give credit where its do.
Thank you for downloading.
Installation instructions
Open the SOD folder -->
Copy and paste the sod files into the sod folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.
Open the ODF folder --> Open shipsfolder
Copy and paste the ODF files into the ODF ship folder.When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.
Open the texture folder
Copy and paste the tga files into the texture RGB folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.
Open the Bitmaps folder
Copy the images
Open Armada II Bitmapsfolder --> open Admiralslog --> open ShipImages and paste the images there. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.
( I include the MS3D files for those who are interested.)
Open ARmada 2 ODF-folder --> open station folder
open fyard2
add under the list of builditems
buildItemXx = "fmelb" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)
buildItemXx = "ffargo" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)
Open techtree file
under Federation ships add:
fmelb.odf 2 fyard.odf fresear.odf // battlecruiser (nebula class melbourne variant)
ffargo.odf 2 fyard.odf fresear.odf // cruiser (nebula class fargo variant)
add under Federation:
fmelb.odf 0
ffargo.odf 0
Open Sprites --> open gui_global
find the lines:
# Federation build buttons
add below that list:
b_fmelb gbfmelb 0 0 64 64
b_ffargo gbffargo 0 0 64 64
then find:
# Federation wireframes
@reference=128 (if not present, just add the reference)
add below that list:
fmelbw1 wffmelb 0 0 128 128
ffargow1 wfffargo 0 0 128 128
That's it!
Version | 1.0 | Author | Aad Moerman | Website | |
Downloads | 791 | Size | 3.85 MB | Created | 2009-08-11 |
I am very happy to see more Nebula Variants been made by you Aad, they look very good. The Fargo can give all of us ideas since Nebula class Explorers can switch between pods within a few days on a starbase
anyway enuf crazy talk they look great as always