More Section 31 Ships
This is a package of which includes more ships for Section 31. They consist of a Galaxy X, Sovereign X, Nova & Intrepid (at least that is all from what is shown by the screenshots).
Section 31 Fleet: All vessels equipped with Phase Cloak and Cloak Detectors
Sovereign-X: Shield Disruptors and Corbomite Reflector
Galaxy-X: Holo Generator and Temporal Stasis Field
Intrepid: Shield Disruptors and Transwarp Drive
Nova: Holo Generators and Holo Emitters
To Install
Put odfs into ships,weapons folders
put sods into sod folder
put tgas into rgb folder
then open your desired station you want it to be built from
buildItem# = "s31nova"
buildItem# = "s31intrepid"
buildItem# = "s31galaxy"
buildItem# = "s31sovx"
s31nova.odf 0
s31intrepid.odf 0
s31galaxy.odf 0
s31sovx.odf 0
b_s31nova gbs31nova 0 0 64 64
b_s31intrepid gbs31int 0 0 64 64
b_s31galaxy gbs31gal 0 0 64 64
b_s31sovx gbs31sovx 0 0 64 64
into gui_global.spr
These vessels have been tested in stock v1.1 install
WARNING! These ships are high poly models. Older machines might not be able to cope with a lot of these ships.
No wire frame or admirals log pic as yet.
Hope you enjoy
E-mail me at cungi79atgmaildotcom
Textures: Capt Fingers, SSA, P81, Deemon, Me
SOD: Capt Fingers,Deemon, SSA, Michael Kelly, P81
Buttons: APCmmk11, Chyu-Chen
Version | Author | Cungi | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,535 | Size | 2.61 MB | Created | 2006-09-19 |
Let's see the
Oh, and I'm also still looking for help on how to upload it to the site. and