Intrepid Aeroshuttle (Captain's Yacht)
Developed by Spectre and Major A Payne, this mod is the captains yacht/ intrepid aeroshuttle for Armada 2,
Intrepid Aeroshuttle (Captains Yacht)
Mesh: Major A Payne
Texture: Major A Payne
ODF: Spectre
Build Button & Wireframes: Spectre
Special thanks to: Ex Astris Scientia for Model & Texture References.
1.) You might have extracted the files, if not extract them (desktop would be safe)
2.) Copy the files into their directories:
*.ODF --> ./ODF/Ships
*.SOD --> ./SOD
*.TGA --> ./Textures/RGB
3.) Adding to a Station.
Depending on what station you wish to use Base (fbase.odf) Shipyard (fyard.odf) or advanced shipyard (fyard2.odf)
- Open the odf
- add the next build item (buildItem* = "sodname" (i.e. buildItem5 = "faero)
- Save
4.) Sprites (build button & wireframes)
- Go to Sprite folder
- Open gui_global.spr
- go down to:
Federation build buttons
b_faero gbfaero 0 0 64 64
- go down to:
# Federation wireframes
faerow1 faero 0 0 48 48
faerow2 faero 48 0 48 48
faerow3 faero 96 0 48 48
faerow4 faero 144 0 48 48
faerow5 faero 192 0 48 48
5.) Techtree
- Under the particular race and the ships section add:
faero.odf 1 fbase.odf
(the above line is a example under federation ships.)
Any problems email me at: or icq: 79146921
Version | Author | Spectre | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,810 | Size | 1,022.78 KB | Created | 2004-02-04 |
Would you like a copy of the S.T.G.V in return
ps. cool moddel, bit blocky tho