Halo Class
This is a ship that looks like a megre of a Soverign and an Akira. It looks cool, and powerful too. Note that you have to make an ODF, so it requires some modding experience. Worth a download.
Federation Halo Class
You will have to have some modding experience to use this.
This ship will be in the mod Star Trek: After Earth
It doesn't have an .odf file...so you gotta make one :P....(I was lazy and my slap together was acting wierd...)
This ship has 26 hardpoints...
I will release a hardpoint map sooner or later...
Deemon, for textures and models...
hellraisermike, for fixing the model cause it pissed me off and I couldn't find the problem...hehe
Major A Payne, for telling me of my stupidity...and helping me fix the model even further...
Email me at Storm_crosser@msn.com
- Will Worthy (Storm)
Version | Author | Storm | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,772 | Size | 327.64 KB | Created | 2002-08-03 |