Federation Sebulon Class
This is a Federation Sebulon Class. It has a build button, wireframe and admirals log pic.
Federation Sebulon Class
Mesh/SOD conversion: Epytron Omega
Ship Texture: Original by Maddoc with additions from a friend VT
Wire/Build Button: Epytron Omega
Install Instructions:
Open your Sprites folder and add the following in it:
search for the federation-buildbutton section and ad the followin line:
b_fseb gbfseb 0 0 64 64
now search for:
# Wireframes
# ----------
# Ship Wireframes
and add following lines:
fsebw1 fsebwire 0 192 48 48
fsebw2 fsebwire 48 192 48 48
fsebw3 fsebwire 96 192 48 48
fsebw4 fsebwire 144 192 48 48
fsebw5 fsebwire 192 192 48 48
no you have to open the tech1.tt from your \techtree - folder
and add these lines:
now open a fyard.odf, fyard2.odf, or fbase.odf (depends on where you want it to be build)
and search for builditem-section
now add the following under the last entry
builditemXX = "fseb"
Just do the opposite of the Install instructions
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please feel free to email me at: Templus2063@yahoo.com
Version | Author | Epytron Omega | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,430 | Size | 105.76 KB | Created | 2004-01-15 |