Eruption class
This file has a good idea, but unfortunately, it doesn't quite work. The problem is the texture, for me. It's all too obviously Akira class. But it almost does TOO much as a single ship-- even one that claims to be from the 27th century.
Note that there are comprehensive install files, but there's a lot of work that needs to be done to this mod before it's what we're used to seeing.
Here's hoping that this isn't the last we've seen from mash1971.
welcome to the 27th century
erruption class battle cruiser
"Erruption class 27th century battleship ,advanced warp core and transwarp engines .
quantum phaser weapons,quantum torpedoes,corbomite reflector,shield inversion and phase shift technologies .
able to build construction class ships,repair class ships, assault class ships and erruptor class fighter ships
put .sod files in the sod folder
put .tga files in the textures/rgb folder
put .bmp files in the bitmaps/admiralslog/ships folder
put erruption.odf,erruptor.odf , erruptorx.odf and destroy1.odf in the odf/ships folder
put epulse.odf and epulseo.odf in the odf/weapons/pulse folder
put sdestphys1.odf in the odf/other folder
open up the sprite folder and then the lights file
under the line # blue lights
add this line
@sprite_node borgblue borgore const (5,5) (0,0,1) billboard
@sprite_node borgblue2 borgore const (3,3) (0,0,1) billboard
under the line #red lights
add this line
@sprite_node borgred borgore const (1,1) (1,0,0) billboard
save file.
in same folder open up the gui global file
under federation build buttons
add these lines
b_erruption gberruption 0 0 64 64
b_erruptor gberruptor 0 0 64 64
b_erruptorx gberruptorx 0 0 64 64
stay in gui global and go down to federation wireframes
and add these lines
erruptionw1 wferruption 0 0 128 128
erruptorw1 wferruptor 0 0 128 128
erruptorxw1 wferruptorx 0 0 128 128
save file.
open up the techtree folder
open the tech 1 file
under federation ships
add these lines
erruption.odf 0
erruptor.odf 0
erruptorx.odf 0
in the same file under federation special weapons
add these lines
save file.
open up the fulltech file
add these lines
erruption.odf 0
erruptor.odf 0
erruptorx.odf 0
save file.
open up the folder odf/stations
open the file fyard2.odf
under the line construction parameters line
add this line
builditem** = "erruption" (where ** is the builditem number)
thats it
akira tga files by deemon
from the pegassus by VT1032
Version | Author | mash1971 | Website | ||
Downloads | 561 | Size | 1.61 MB | Created | 2008-09-18 |
ugly you say,well yes it is a bit but its based on the ugliness of politics.
anyone want a red dwarf and starbug?
more texture related stress i feel coming on
oh smeg