Charleston Class (also for demo)
Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken gives us his latest release, a conversion of an old SFC3 mod called the Charleston class starship. The fusion of technologies and the sheer unconventionality of the design makes this one worthy of commending to your immediate technology.
Note that the hardpoints are specifically named for their function, at least for the weapons, making this a noteworthy innovation in and of itself. Hope it works for everyone. Also, the ship has some pretty powerful weapons (quantum torps, Galaxy phasers AND a corbomite device) that some may consider overkill. Not like you don't know how to change the weapons loadout if it's too much for you.
Indeed, the only point of fault on this model would be the registry on the saucer section, but then, that's easy enough to correct, if you've got the skill and the right programs.
Everything you need is included --the .ODFs, the build button, the wireframe, and the Admirals' Log pic.
Download it now and you'll be doing the Charleston at the big dance tonight.
Charleston Class Battleship for Armada 2 and Armada 2 Demo
Full Game Installation:
1. Unzip the BMP file to: "bitmaps/admiralslog/shipimages"
2. Unzip the ODF file to: "odf/ships"
3. Open the ODF file "fyard2" or any other shipyard you want this ship to be built at
4. Add the following line after the last line in the build item list:
buildItemX = "fcharl"
(X is the next number in the list)
5. Unzip the SOD file to "sod"
6. Open "sprites/gui_global.spr"
7. Find the Federation Build Button list
8. Add the following line after the last line in the build button list:
b_fcharl gbfcharl 0 0 128 128
9. Open "techtrees/"
10. find the Federation Ships list
11. Add the following line after the last line in the ship list:
fcharl.odf 0
12. Open "techtrees/"
13. find the Federation Ships list
14. Add the following line after the last line in the ship list:
fcharl.odf 0
15. Unzip all the TGA files to "textures/tga"
Demo Installation:
1. Follow the full game installation instructions except for steps 2 and 9 - 14
2. Unzip the ODF file to "odf/stations"
3. Open ""
4. Find the Federation Ship List
5. Add the following line to the end of the ships list:
fcharl.odf 0
Important note about adding weapons:
The hardpoints on this model are somewhat unique. I've named each hardpoint for what its function is or where on the ship it is located:
Phasers: phas1, phas2, phas3...
Torpedoes: torp1 and torp 2
Tractor Beam: trac1 and trac2
Deflector: def
I usually put any kind of special weapon that isn't close in design to a phaser or torpedo onto the deflector hardpoint (such as the Corbomite Reflector)
Original Model (I think): Chris Jones
Textures: Chris Jones
ARMADA 2 Conversion: Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken
Starfleet Command 3 Conversion: Warpedone
ODF: Thermal_Nuclear_Chiken
Admirals Log Pic: Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken
Build Button: Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken
If you have problems, you can email me at dvainwebbcity(AT)yahoo(DOT)com and I will try to help you.
If there are any mistakes involving giving modellers credit, PLEASE e-mail me at the address above so I can correct them.
Version | Author | Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken | Website | ||
Downloads | 861 | Size | 1.20 MB | Created | 2009-06-13 |
most of the other vessels have been posted on the Armada2 site