Aegian Class
Nothing in Armada is more hated than the useless, ugly, utterly pointless design called the Aegian class. There's no need for its invention. After all, Starfleet could've used the Excelsior instead. It seems like they needed to include some new and nifty design just to appeal to the fans who weren't going to buy the game anyway-- a new Federation starship!? GOTTA HAVE THIS GAME! Yeah, well, seven years on, the Aegian has aged terribly in stock, and even attempts at retexturing have only reinforced the silliness of this design.
Dan1025 gives us what's probably the best Aegian attempt we've seen to date --and as usual, it's sophisticated in how it improves the original while including everything you could possibly want. While the design hasn't improved any, that's hardly Dan's fault. This takes making the best of a bad situation to a new level of quality.
Download this one today.
This is a replacement for the stock Aegian Class, using Interstellar Machines model and improving the textures. The ship has 2 textures and a poly count of 904.
This will act as a replacement for your Aegian Class (ffrigate).
Included in this mod are:
SOD file
Ship textures
Borg textures
Ship ODF
AdmiralsLog picture
Installation Instructions:
1. Place "ffrigate.sod" into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/SOD folder.
2. Place all files found in the RGB folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Textures/RGB folder.
3. Place "ffrigate.odf" into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/ships folder.
4. Place the "ffrigate.bmp" file found in the ShipImages folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder.
(Ensuring you click "Yes" when the computer asks if you'd like to replace the older files).
5. Find the file named "gui_global.spr" found in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Sprites folder and open it (use notepad).
Search for where it says:
"Federation Wireframes"
and delete the entry for ffrigate
now find where it says:
(if "@reference=64" isn't in your Cardassian Wireframes section you'll need to add it at the end of the section).
and add:
ffrigatew1 WFffrigate 0 0 64 64
ffrigatew2 WFffrigate 0 0 64 64
ffrigatew3 WFffrigate 0 0 64 64
ffrigatew4 WFffrigate 0 0 64 64
ffrigatew5 WFffrigate 0 0 64 64
Save and close the file.
Credits & Thanks:
Full Credit for the original model and textures goes to Interstellar Machine
Credit for the orginal borg texture I used goes to "Scorpians" altered SFC stock sphere mod
A big thanks to Activision for releasing this game and giving us all something fun to mod and improve upon.
If you have any issues/questions or if you would like to use this mod for something you plan to release, please email me at:
Hope you enjoy the mod! :)
Version | 1.0 | Author | dan1025 | Website | |
Downloads | 987 | Size | 3.23 MB | Created | 2009-01-13 |
Fortunately, one just so happened to come along.
Good job though, she looks nice
Now to everyone saying the design is useless and try to argue her design, please read my rant about that in this week's poll comments.