Titan Class
This is Major Paynes Titan Class starship At quick glance you do seam to think "Hmm, just another Galaxy mod" however its the details on this ship that i really love. The deflector and back of the saucer section, and the necels are just intreguing and that gives it its quality value, and what make this ship so great. It looks excelent and is another great ship to have in your game
Titan Class
Massive in size and armed to the teeth the USS Titan and her sister ships have proven to be the ultimate in Federation muscle. As a direct result of the Dominions deployment of their own massive dreadnoughts the Federation had to take measures to keep dominance with their own technology. In preflight testing the prototype Titan class excelled and the production run began. Once the war was over though these leviathan ships have been put into service in a more relaxed setting. Current placing is that the USS Santa Monica is exploring the the Degas Cluster and the Titan itself is on current standby as command ship of the fourth fleet.
Release Details
Poly Count: 2472 (poly reduction)
Built Time: Reconstruction time and texture re-application aprox. 2 hours.
Texture Set: 13 high detail (512*512) Truevision tarGA based texture files.
- Original model, design and concept courtesy of Atolm/Azel. Mesh adjustments and texture set/application done by WickedZombie45 (subsequent release through www.nightsoft.com/omega/drs (Demon Renegade Studios) and originally created for SFC3/BC.
- Poly reduction on saucer and texture manipulation/re-application done by Major A Payne.
You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.
If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.
In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- EMAIL: mapayne@mail.com
- ICQ: UIN60839084
Thankyou for downloading this release.
Major A Payne
Version | Author | Major A Payne | Website | ||
Downloads | 2,377 | Size | 1.82 MB | Created | 2004-11-27 |
you should be a little more mature than the sort of comments you make, being an old timer, even on this site. people like you bring down the enjoyment and harmony of sites like these. you should really revise your attitude. you should keep your beef to yourself, its the mature, adult thing to do. but to be honest, i expect your endless juvinile need for the last word to overwhelm whatever mature impulses you may have (if any as from what ive seen) and try to make a sort of "comeback". be my guest.
funny that you should take it as something towards yourself drac, considering how the comment was about pickng fights with ppl. i am not aware of you being in any clashes with anyone on this site, but if you feel that way, then i guess you have.
all im saying is im tired of all the instigating and the rules being bent for ppl here. i like peace. want a slice of peace? ive got a whole pizza here.
god, i feel like im on tibia. its rookgarrd all over again. lol.
Edit: Watch it, at the moment you are instigating a fight, so to inforce the rules, please refrain from doing it!
As for newbies/guests bashing an artist's work, c'mon guys... think before you throw dirt on someone.
As for veterans bashing newbies/guests... get back to me on that one.
As for me rambling... well, I feel kinda good this morning.
Back to the Titan ... I won't download ANY Titan s until I see a cannon version. I keep my Federation ships as cannon as possible. This model still gets a 9/10 from me!
Of course, in keeping with the series format, the contest rules kept the design limited to that of a Deep Space Explorer, the winning design is bold enough to be that of excelent Heavy Cruiser. If permission could be obtained to use it, it would make a great addition to the portfolio of any Modder with the skills to create it for the game.