Super Defiant
This is a normal defiant, but uhh, super. It has improved shields, quantum torpedoes, and ablative armor. It also has a cloaking device.
Hello all this is my first mod so, don't form any nasty opinions.
This is the normal Defiant but better it features its quantum torps from the sorveign class
and it is way stronger!
Install instructions: copy and backup your original defiant to a safe spot now replace your
fdestroy.odf with mine (after you do the backup) for best ultra powerful results
research level 2 sheilds pod,level 2 weapons pod, level 3 sheilds and weapons.
Comments? e-mail me at
Enjoy, Shadow_class
Version | 1.2 | Author | Shadow_Class | Website | |
Downloads | 4,251 | Size | 1.84 KB | Created | 2002-08-09 |
I've been revising the defiant and changing it for a while when I come back I'll release it.I've made the defiant's cost higher more crew value.
Please don't modify my files without permission.
All friends good mod for A ten year old eh?
well I'm 11 now