SS Vico v1.1
This is the SS Vico 1.1 ship. It isn't that great because I made it months ago but then my Armada 2 disk broke so it was never tested.
The new systems include Section 31 opperative and Section 31 advanced cloaking device. (I don't think it can be detected by Tacyon Detection systems either).
Hi, to install do the following...
1) Put the SOD files into the SOD folder and the ODF file in the ODF folder (odf/ships).
2) Open ODF/Stations folder, then open the yard.odf file. Once open, under the BUILDITEM menu type:-
'buildItem* = ffreighter2' NB:- *= The next number in the sequence.
3) Open the Sprites folder, then open gui_global.spr file. Scroll until you reach a bit of text saying
'Federation Build Buttons @reference = 64' and under the last ship entered on it put:-
b_ffreighter2 gbffreighter 0 0 64 64 NB:- The collums must be in-line.
Then under the Special Weapons put...
b_sec31cloak gbhologen 0 0 64 64
b_gsec31spy gbromspy 0 0 64 64
4) Go to the Techtree Folder...
a) Open the file. When it opens under the Federation ships list type. ffrieghter.odf 1 fbase.odf and under the special weapons put sec31cloak.odf and gsec31spy.odf
b) Open the file. When open add ffreighter2.odf 0 and under the special weapons put sec31cloak.odf and gsec31spy.odf
NB:- After makeing changes, ensure that you save them. For any question ect conntact
Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Star Trek Armada, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
Version | Author | Unknown / Anonymous | Website | ||
Downloads | 864 | Size | 33.24 KB | Created | 2003-02-08 |
I tried to see the sod for your 'SS Vico', but I got the image of a Romulan Mining Ship. And what about the TGA files for your ship too? Is this suppose to be a 'Oberth Class' Vessel?
As I said earlier today, I didn't know that there had been a previous SS Vico in Star Trek until recently. This is an upgrade to the previous SS Vico ship and I didn't change the name so I could show that. I'm sorry for any inconveniance, but this ship is ment to look like a Romulan Minner.
Sorry again...