Riku Class Starship
The Riku class is a ship based on a concept by Mackie of dynaverse.net and it looks nicely done from the enclosed screenshots. It also has its own weapons along with new textures from them.
On a side note, the author also followed all the submission instructions to the letter, which is so helpful (and unusual, unfortunately) that I think this deserves special recognition and an elevated rating.
Federation Riku Class starship for STA:II By: Darkblade (Aka Shadow51689) 06/19/06
****** -Introduction- *******
This is my first attempt at a fully fledged starship mod for Armada 2. I've done ships for a few other games, and I've finally decided to do one for A2.
Now this is the Federation Riku Class cruiser, concept by Mackie (contactable at www.dynaverse.net). I've always liked the design of the ship,
it being from the pre-TNG era, it seemed to be the missing link between the Miranda and the Akira. So I modelled the ship from scratch, and, after gaining permission
from Mackie, I've exported it into A2. The ship is about balanced with the unedited Akira, but has a pair of new phaser pulse cannons. They act pretty much the same as
the Defiant's Pulse Phasers, but I wanted something that looked 'less' advanced than the Defiant style Pulse Phasers, as the Riku is from an earlier generation.
So I created my own effect.
****** -Installation- *******
-Extract all .tga files to your Star Trek Armada II\Textures\RGB folder
-Extract friku.sod to your Star Trek Armada II\SOD folder
-Extract friku.odf to ODF\Ships
-Extract fcrphas.odf, fcrphaso.odf to ODF\Weapons\Phasers
-Extract fcrphot.odf, fcrphoto.odf to ODF\Weapons\Photons
-Extract fcrpulse.odf, fcrpulseo.odf to ODF\Weapons\Pulse
-Then, open up a shipyard of your choice. (Fyard.ini for example, in ODF\Stations) and add the following line:
buildItem* = "friku"
Replace the '*' with the next number in the list. (E.g buildItem7 = "****", then make it buildItem8 = "friku")
-Open your tech1.tt file in notepad (STAII\techtree) and find "// ***[ FEDERATION SHIPS ]************************". At the end of the list add:
friku.odf 0
-Open your weapons.spr in notepad/wordpad (STAII\Sprites) and find "# Federation Pulse phaser". Below that entry add these lines:
# Phaser pulse
fcrpulse Wrikupuls 0 0 128 32
-Open gui_global.spr in the same Dir. Find "# Federation build buttons" and then after the last line under "@reference=64" add in this:
b_friku gbfriku 0 0 64 64
Then, find "# Federation wireframes" and after "@reference=256" add in this line at the end:
frikuw1 wfriku 80 0 80 80
That's it! Enjoy.
****** -Other Info- *******
I'm probably going to submit an updated version later, probably with a reduced poly count (currently is 1724), and maybe some lightmaps if I find extra time.
Also, I'll probably include a more complete wireframe. (divided into subsystems)
You may use this ship in a mod, so long as you provide credit to the original author (me) and you may want to also contact Mackie (See www.dynaverse.net), who designed the original ship.
You can see the original at http://www.treknology.org/riku.jpg
You can contact me via e-mail at shadow(at)centralpets(dot)com
****** -Credits- *******
-Mackie for the original starship concept and texture.
-To the people over on the Armada2files.com forums, thanks for helping me out!
-To the makers of the "CV Version 0.7.5" viewer/importer tool, for saving me from much frustration with the HP placement.
****** -Legal Mumbo Jumbo- *******
I, nor the files contained in this .zip archive are in any way affilliated or associated with Activision or Mad Doc.
These files are not made, supported, or distributed by Activision or Mad Doc Software.
Version | Author | shadow51689 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,052 | Size | 1.05 MB | Created | 2006-06-19 |
Good job
10 !!
"converted from SFC"? I made the model from scratch in Blender and MS3d. It's not a conversion.
Yeah, I've never been that good with textures #1. I'll contact ya when I start on it!
Review ammended.