Renaissance Class
This is the Renaissance Class by Pizza The Hut. The Readme states that the ship (in general) is not of the most spectacular design, but i would tend to differ. This ship has a very simple and retro feel about it and is well presented in this mod. Download if you like.
Renaissance Class by Pizza the Hutt
I have to admit that the Renaissance class is not a very spectacular design. I just did
that ship upon a request by another user and for completeness' sake (One of those ships
that were mentioned, but never seen on the screen). It looks not exactly like the ships that
I saw on and other websites.I tried to get the hull configuration as close as
possible, but chose to keep the Ambassador texture. I think that Starfleet built both ships
out of pretty much the same hull parts.
Copy the file frenai.sod into the SOD folder
Copy the .tga files into the Textures > RGB folder
Copy the file frenai.odf into the ODF > ships folder
Copy the file frenai.bmp into the Bitmaps > Admiralslog folder
Open the file fyard2.odf or fyard.odf (whichever shipyard you want the ship
To be built from) and insert the line: buildItemXX = "frenai" under
build Parameters below the last ship to be build
XX being the next unused number
Save that file
Open "tech 1" from the Techtree folder and insert this line:
frenai.odf 1 fyard1.odf // renai class
Save this file, open "" and insert the following line
frenai.odf 0
Then save and open "GUI_global.spr" from the sprites folder
Then add this line under federation build buttons:
b_frenai gbfrenai 0 0 64 64
There is a wire frame, it is not perfect, but at least there is one
just add this line into the gui global under wireframes
frenaiw1 fwrenai 40 0 40 40
frenaiw2 fwrenai 0 40 40 40
frenaiw3 fwrenai 40 40 40 40
frenaiw4 fwrenai 80 0 40 40
frenaiw5 fwrenai 0 0 40 40
This ship is a kitbash of P81's Enterprise-C and was modified to look roughly like the
picture on
Thank you for downloading this ship.
Have fun!!!
Pizza the Hutt
Version | Author | Pizza the Hutt | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,034 | Size | 454.08 KB | Created | 2005-08-28 |