Korinar Class
This is another great Cardassian starship by Achilles. It's not cannon, but it is very creative. In the readme, he says that it's the equivelent of the Achilles class (man, I wonder where they got that starship name? ) with an amasing weapon loadout. The ship itself seems a little fishy to me though, maybe it's the shape.
Cardassian Korinar Class Warship Ship by Wrath of Achilles
This is my own design, it's meant to be the cardassian equivelent of then
achilles class. it has strong sheilding, normal and multitarget phasers
a standard torpedo launcher and 12 micro torpedo launchers. It's also armed
with a cloak and the engine boost weapon to aid with hit and run tactics.
It is very expensive, nearlly double a galor class I think. also it's
about 1600 hundred polies, thats ok for an expensive to build ship
but anything built in high numbers may cause trouble for low end machines.
This does not replaces any standard ship but adds it to the second yard.
Move all folders (Textures, odf, SOD) to your Star trek armada 2 directory
Open gui_global.SPR and scroll down to the cardassian build buttons.
add this line over the old ccolony button reference.
b_ckorinar gbbkorinar 0 0 64 64
Then in the wireframe section at the bottom add this line.
ckorinarw1 cardwireframe12 0 0 128 128
Open tech1.TT and add this line over the existing ccolony listing
(for neatness sake you can place with other Cardassian listings)
ckorinar.odf 2 cyard2.odf cresear2.odf
Open cyard2.odf and scroll down to the build list and add this after buildItem7
buildItem4 = "ckorinar"
Additional Information**
The sod and textures will work in armada 1, file order will have to be changed
for the odfs and they will need editing quite a lot, Email me for help on this
if needed.
Feel free to use this in any mod so long as credit is given to me for the model
and textures, STGamerNew2002 for the button, wireframe and Admiral's log pic.
Feel free to edit the textures/model/odfs in any way so long as credit is given.
Legal Stuff**
The material submitted with this readme is in no way connected to, or affiliated
with Activision, its employees, representatives, consortiums, or other bodies
directly or indirectly associated with the afore mentioned company. Therefore
if the files contained in this mod cause damage to your system in any way then
Activision cannot be held responsible or liable.
Thanks to STGamerNew2002 for the wireframe, build button and Admirals log picture,
also for his general opinions during production.
Thanks to Major A Payne for his opinions during creation.
Thanks, achilles
Version | 1.0 | Author | Wrath of Achilles | Website | |
Downloads | 1,450 | Size | 1.62 MB | Created | 2004-09-06 |
do u do ship requests?
sorry I dont like the ship
nice looking ship but I dont do federation stuff mate, the race is modelled too much for my liking
the pictures in the upper left hand corner, and middle right side are the top and bottom views. The Covenant use Plasma Torpedoes-a large amount of Plasma is vented and then restrained in a magnetic field, guided to the target by more magnetic fields-and Pulse Lasers. Plasma weapons are red-the Chain Reaction Pulsar sprite should work well-and the Pulse Lasers are blue-if you take a pulse phasers' odf and put the quantum torpedo sprite instead of the pulse phasers', you get a really cool effect-with a little experimentation, of course. The Covenant also use some sort of 'Energy Projector' that suppposedly looks a bit like a tricobalt's sprite.