Keldon Class
When first introduced, many fans didn't see the point of the Keldon. After all, why would the Cardassians have the same basic ship frame with an added bit of superstructure and some spiffy fins on the side? After some time, and a few battles in the Dominion War, nobody asked that question anymore, and the Keldon became an appreciated part of the Cardassian armada. (Mostly because people were thankful they didn't pull that Bird of Prey nonsense again and just use differently sized versions of the same ship on random, disjointed occasions!)
Dan1025 has captured everything that makes a Keldon menacing here with this mod, and it looks spectacular. Zorg's old Cardie textures are put to good use once again here. As always, Dan's included everything you'll need for this mod, as well as a detailed readme. We've been very lucky that Dan's been willing to put in the work to give the Cardassians their much-needed facelift after all this time, and it'll be a good long time before we see better, if ever.
Download this one today.
Continuing my line of replacement Cardassian ships I present the new Keldon Class, made by converting Zorgs Keldon Class. The model has 5 textures and a poly count of 942.
This will act as a replacement for your Keldon Class (cbattle2).
Included in this mod are:
SOD file
Ship textures
Borg textures
Ship ODF
AdmiralsLog picture
Installation Instructions:
1. Place "cbattle2.sod" into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/SOD folder.
2. Place all files found in the RGB folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Textures/RGB folder.
3. Place "cbattle2.odf" into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/ships folder.
4. Place the "cbattle2.bmp" file found in the ShipImages folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder.
(Ensuring you click "Yes" when the computer asks if you'd like to replace the older files).
5. Find the file named "gui_global.spr" found in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Sprites folder and open it (use notepad).
Search for where it says:
"Cardassian Wireframes"
and delete the entry for cbattle2
now find where it says:
(if "@reference=64" isn't in your Cardassian Wireframes section you'll need to add it at the end of the section).
and add:
cbattle2w1 WFcbattle2 0 0 64 64
cbattle2w2 WFcbattle2 0 0 64 64
cbattle2w3 WFcbattle2 0 0 64 64
cbattle2w4 WFcbattle2 0 0 64 64
cbattle2w5 WFcbattle2 0 0 64 64
Save and close the file.
Credits & Thanks:
Full Credit for the original model used (Keldon Class), and textures goes to Zorg
Credit for the orginal borg texture I used goes to "Scorpians" altered SFC stock sphere mod
A big thanks to Activision for releasing this game and giving us all something fun to mod and improve upon.
If you have any issues/questions or if you would like to use this mod for something you plan to release, please email me at:
Hope you enjoy the mod! :)
Version | Author | dan1025 | Website | ||
Downloads | 819 | Size | 3.12 MB | Created | 2008-12-24 |
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
merry christmas everyone.
Ameba - Ssshhhhhh!
Great work again, Dan! Each one lovelier than the last. I'd like to see you cut loose on the Klingons sometime. We need a nice Klingon makeover (two words you'd never expect to see together).
Great Keldon revamp, been waiting for this one for a while