Transwarp gate & hub MESH ONLY
These are some truly amazing looking transwarp hubs from Yacuzza. One follows the multiple-hub model seen most prominently in "Endgame" (VOY), although not quite so monstrously huge. The other is a single hub.
However, THESE ARE NOT GAME READY. Conversion work still lies ahead before we'll see this awesome work in-game. All the mesh files are in 3DS format. Textures (just one, actually) are good to go.
Still, though.... looks pretty awesome. Can't wait until the .SOD version of these --preferably as a fully ready-to-play mod-- becomes available.
Download this one if you're less useless with a 3D mesh than I am. (That should be all of you....)
- the Kid

Transwarp gates & hub, this high poly models are made in 3ds file format so it can be used by all modeling programs. Have fun converting them to A2
Model License Agreement
You may: use this mod in any supported Star Trek Armada 2 game modification
You may not: sell,rent, or release the models textures and other files in this project or its documentation
as your own,or modify it with out contact of GP.
All rights on models & textures made by GP are reserved and owned by GP.
The Models may be downloaded and released from and on any web site.
Textures sample Texture provided from "Scorpians" altered SFC stock sphere
copyright © GP