Cardassian Mesh Pack 1
Captain Rich (formerly uss_miranda) has given us a few new meshes to play around with: A cardassian light cruiser, heavy cruiser, scouting vessel and a defensive outpost.
Please note that these are NOT READY to use in game, as all files are in MS3D format rather than .SOD format, and have no textures. A modeling program that can open MilkShape3D files is required to complete these models.
It's almost too bad that things came to such a sudden end with these models, since they could've been great new additions for the Cardassians. Maybe they still can. Download 'em today!

Cardassian Model Pack 1
Here is a pack of models for the Cardassians, the models are in MS3D format. The screenshots are not very good quality so I would recommend downloading and looking at models. In this pack is:
-Light Cruiser Model
poly = 2208
-Heavy Cruiser Model
poly = 3216
-Scouting Vessel Model
poly = 1508
-Defesife Outpost Model
poly = 2954
They may seem abit high poly but I think they are good quality models.
Models = Captain Rich
Program Used = MS3D 1.8.4
Time Taken = no idea :)
I give every one permission to use this models and make them game usable but I do ask that credit for the models is givern to me and it would be nice if I was informed. Also I ask if you do make them game usable you release them so the whole community can use them.
I can be contacted by:
-email :
-ff forums pm: captain rich
thanks, C.Rich
Version | MESH ONLY | Author | Captain Rich | Website | |
Downloads | 557 | Size | 422.95 KB | Created | 2009-02-17 |