thunderfoot's action pics thunderfoot's action pics

(2 votes)
thunderfoot006, 2009-03-10

thunderfoot's Action Pics.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Dan1025 must be feeling very very flattered about now. I have picked 112 A2 pictures out of my Photobucket account which has around 600 A2 shots and sent them in for everyone to enjoy. What can I say? Dan had a great idea and I "borrowed" it, lol

thunderfoot's Action Pics.

Alright, if imitation is the sincerest form of flatterery, then Dan1025 should be feeling very, very flattered by now. I D/L'd his screenshots pics and realized that I some pretty good pics too. Most of these have been seen in the screenshots thread over in the Forums but not all of them. There are 112 pics in all. These can be used in the same ways Dan's are.
I tried to pick out the ones I like the most. Out of 590 pics in my Photobucket account, this was sometimes hard to do. I hope you enjoy looking at these as much as i enjoyed making them.

Problems? Concerns? Complaints? Please contact me via email at

Version    Author  thunderfoot006  Website   
Downloads  697  Size  14.77 MB  Created  2009-03-10 



#1 scooter69a 2009-03-10 18:05
Pic 108 is that ship available for download and the danube too? Both really nice!
#2 thunderfoot007 2009-03-10 20:08
The ship in Pic 108 is the Britain class carrier. Both it and the Danube will be available in StarBase34's Compilation Mod. Coming very soon!
#3 dan1025 2009-03-11 00:41
lol, well I released a screenshot pack in the hopes that it would get the ball rolling and others would join in, so I'm glad to see you posting yours as well.

Great pics, love the action! :-)

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