Dogs of War Screenshot Teaser Pack Dogs of War Screenshot Teaser Pack

(8 votes)
K7A, 2007-10-02

Wow it's some amazing screenshots from DoW! This Screenshot pack is simply sublime, and what better way to advertise your work than to produce screenshots that look nowhere near Armada 2 stock (it's not even in the same Galaxy Tongue). Some of these look like Star Trek Legacy, Screenshot 34 really looks like Legacy, which begs the question - how system heavy will DoW be? Who cares! just download this now and admire the sheer class of these screenshots... whether you are looking forward in eager anticipation or not.

- IKS -

This is the first wallpaper pack for my upcoming mod Dogs of War. This is a collection of 23 wallpapers made from recent screenshots from the mod.

NOTE: All Wallpapers are in 1024x768 resoloution. so if you need them smaller or larger you will nee to size them yourself. All photos are also in widescreen format meaning they have are in letterbox fashion.

ALSO: I ask you to refrain from posting these wallpapers on other sites for potd's or any other reason or function (forums included). That's my Job. Please note all ships in the photos are subject to change.

Thank You. I hope You enjoy this pack.

Questions? Concerns?
K7AV -

Version    Author  K7A  Website   
Downloads  1,055  Size  9.04 MB  Created  2007-10-02 



#21 starfleetadmiral 2007-10-13 16:57
"When It's Done"
#22 K7A 2007-10-14 07:28
I think I'll change that to "sooner than you think" ;-)
#23 angryandorian 2007-10-18 10:19
Ah so it the beast soon approaches!
#24 Firewarrior1705 2007-10-21 14:32
exactly how computer friendly is DOW going to be because I've seen only high poly ships so far? Don't get me wrong, they look awesome but I hope I won't be needing 2 GB of RAM to play it or will i?
#25 Freyr 2007-10-23 01:31
It should be reasonably friendly. While the dogs of war ships individually are a lot more resource intensive there are less of them so it should balance out to be around the same.
#26 K7A 2007-10-23 19:52
lol, you won't need 2 gigs of ram, but I recommend that your computer not be 8 yrs old either. you will definatly need to meet more than the minimum requirements for the game, and possibly a little better than the reccomended. but really thats not all that much in today's standards. really the only thing that i can think of that may slow down your computer would be the starfield (from midnight universe) which is easily adjusted. Im still thinking of making a low res version which will be more pc friendly, because I know some of you run the game on "antique" hardware. the standard texture is 512x512 or 256X256. the low res version will be lower (duh!) and easier on older graphics cards.
#27 insert_name_heer 2008-02-02 16:23
in the 1st screenie, isint that the one scene from insurection whare riker dose that thing with the bussards? last time i recall, the enterpris' registry was NCC-1701-E

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