Dan1025's Screenshot Pack #3 Dan1025's Screenshot Pack #3

(2 votes)
dan1025, 2010-03-29

All the pretty pics you could possibly want, all by Dan1025, one of the best there is in the screenshot department.

Your next desktop wallpaper is in this pack. Go ahead, download it and take a look.


This is yet another large pack of all my best screenshots, there are 93 in total. Many of these are the screenshots I've taken of units from the upcoming Halo: Fleet Command mod that I'm helping with, there are also the usual PotD style ones seen in the other packs.

All the screenshots were taken ingame, and havn't been altered or photoshopped in any way, just pure A2 at its finest.

They can be used as loading screens (see Achilles loading screen mod), wallpapers, parts of screensavers or whatever else you can think of.

Not much else to say for this one except...enjoy!

Oh, and if you want any specific ST, SW, SG e.t.c scenes recreated in pic form, let me know via email, comment on this mod, forum PM e.t.c, and I'll see what I can do =]




Version    Author  dan1025  Website   
Downloads  680  Size  37.14 MB  Created  2010-03-29 



#1 ISS_Enterprise_D 2010-03-29 18:40
I knew this would be coming out sooner or later :D

10/10 for all pic epicness
#2 Jetfreak 2010-03-29 19:08
Majestic stuff here, awesome stuff man 10/10
#3 apoclaydon 2010-03-30 01:33
in pic 6 r they convert ships?
#4 FallenGraces 2010-03-30 15:55
Convent ships....and yes they are
#5 Starblade. 2010-04-02 13:02
I believe they're called the Covenant.

#6 crazycabose 2010-04-25 18:16
were the heck did you get the covenant ships to use in this pack! id love to get my hands on some halo ships!

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