Dan1025's Screenshot Pack #2 Dan1025's Screenshot Pack #2

(3 votes)
dan1025, 2009-05-04

Nice set of Dan1025's best screenshots, including many recreations of fan-favourite scenes from Star Wars, Stargate, and of course, across the recent Trek series.

Note that Dan's willing to take requests if there's a scene from an episode you'd like to see recreated. It'll have to go through the PotD queue but it'll be posted eventually.

Worth a look. About fifty-five looks, actually.... lots of good screenshots here.


This is another large pack of all my best screenshots, there are 55 in total. Some have been seen in the screenshots thread on the forums, some have been seen as potd's, others have never been seen at all.

All the screenshots were taken ingame, and havn't been altered or photoshopped in any way, just pure A2 at its finest.

They can be used as loading screens (see Achilles loading screen mod), wallpapers, parts of screensavers or whatever else you can think of.

Not much else to say for this one except...enjoy!

Oh, and if you want any specific ST, SW, SG e.t.c scenes recreated in pic form, let me know via email, comment on this mod, forum PM e.t.c, and I'll see what I can do =]




Version    Author  dan1025  Website   
Downloads  681  Size  25.01 MB  Created  2009-05-04 



#1 PrimeGodist 2009-05-05 03:13
These screen shots are amazing. The angle, shading and model resolution. i especially like the klingon models, they truly look as if they were taken from a movie. Where are they from? Rock :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
#2 insert_name_heer 2009-05-05 05:23
in screenshot 1, which borg cube textures are those? they're really good!

also, in screenshot 4, what ship is that firing, and where can i download?

aside from that, great work! 10/10
#3 Eluvatar 2009-05-07 20:36
I would guess most of the shots are from a moded version of fleet ops.
#4 dan1025 2009-05-07 23:57
#1 - The Vor'Cha is from FleetOps, the B'rel is P81's.

#2 - The Borg ships are from FleetOps, and the ship in pic4 is the Avalon Class from FleetOps, modded into my own install to function as a gunship.

#3 - Actually they're from my own install, which contains dozens (if not hundreds) of mods including bits and pieces from FO lol.
#5 phasertech 2009-05-08 09:54
what mod is that sun from that you always use? i absolutely love the look it gives to these screenies, it's very realistic.
#6 dan1025 2009-05-09 01:12
Thats from the latest version of Midnight Universe, Yacuzza did a fantastic job with it, here's the link to the mod:


All the planets that I use are in there as well, note that you'll need this little update file to get the sun to use lens flare:


#7 scooter69a 2009-05-10 21:09
In pic 4 above where do you get that Galaxy Class and what is below to the right of it?

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