Star Trek Future Tense Trailer Star Trek Future Tense Trailer

(13 votes)
Future Tense Team, 2006-11-29

Release Trailer for Star Trek Future Tense, also contains spoilers for the Intro Movie and what the player can expect within the game.

Version    Author  Future Tense Team  Website   
Downloads  2,965  Size  25.89 MB  Created  2006-11-29 



#11 Adam_Kitchin 2006-12-17 06:45
The Music is from:

Mummy Returns (Up to the Fanfare)

First Contact (The Trek Fanfare)

Batman Begins (The sorta throb sounds following)

Van Helsing (to the end :-) )

#12 441tfs 2007-01-04 15:33
pleeassee tell me this is going to be for A2 as wellllll
#13 generalchangsclone 2007-01-05 16:37
thx 4 telling me :borg: :borg:

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