Intro Video Bink Video Intro Video Bink Video

(7 votes)
Activision, 2002-06-03

This is the Intro Video when you start up Star Trek: Armada II

Version    Author  Activision  Website  Website external 
Downloads  1,507  Size  34.34 MB  Created  2002-06-03 



#1 carl4286 2004-10-27 06:55
I created a new BIK intro for Bridge Commander, but the sound does not play. Did you have to create a wav file for the sound or something?
#2 W4rbird 2006-07-19 10:06
Yes, that's right.
#3 Anihilus 2007-11-25 07:23
Make a BINK one for Armada 1 plz

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