Year of Fire: Tactical Guide Year of Fire: Tactical Guide

(2 votes)
iOSYS, 2007-04-21

Here we have a Tactical Guide for the YoF Modification that will (hopefully) soon be released. We haven't seen or heard much in regards to this project as of late, and this would seem to kick-start my liking for it once again. I do question the.. ahem.. 'species' Tongue - You'll see what I mean, but generally, its a good little download. Smile

- Ash

Year of Fire Tactical Guide read me

Thank you for downloading the Year of Fire Tactical Guide! Year of fire has been a great project to work on, and I thought some people might like to read the tactical guide I made, so here it is!

The mod is expected to be done before the end of 2007.
If you have comments, or questions, feel free to email me at


Version    Author  iOSYS  Website   
Downloads  1,047  Size  4.39 MB  Created  2007-04-21 



#1 Joelteon7 2007-04-22 03:05
There truly are some lovely ships in there. Amazing work.
#2 Adam_Atlantian 2007-04-24 21:36
Oh wow. You are very good. That manual was amazing. The pics are great. Is this like an entire thing you made up in your head or what cause like wow.
#3 Majest 2007-04-27 01:08
Looks great IOSYS. :D
#4 Chiletrek 2007-08-20 12:17

This is a very good tutorial, very detailed and with awesome pics (1 for profile and 1 for action scene).

A must download to win the game. 10/10

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