The Hitchhiker's Guide to Fleet Operations
This is a guide designed for the Armada II total conversion titled "Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations" to give you information on multiplayer strategies, map making, the mostly official storyline and background, as well as how to get online in the first place.
Please enjoy and discuss and feel free to give me criticism and suggestions as always (either here, or on the Fleet Operations forum). It is a work in progress, so not all sections are complete. New versions will be uploaded as I write them.
A special thanks to the Fleet Operations team for their hard work and enthusiasm for Star Trek.
Note: This will probably be the last version of the guide before patch 3.0.8 is released, so be prepared.
Change Log: (It will be easier to state the things that have not been included, rather than write the things that have been included to start�)
Version 3.14 Changes: Added a little bit more Klingon strategy (specifically Martok), added a little more security information for the Wippien section (what to turn off in the adaptor specifically etc), added some more Team Strategy stuff and a few things to the Basics section.
Version 3.1 Changes: Additions to the Ciadan storyline (and some other small tidbits for Klingon and Borg), more info in the tech trees and reworking of the unit profiles for all factions to include the crew resource. Corrections to the �class and size� information in the unit profiles as well as hit chance corrections and additions. A few additions to the Basics section such as describing decommissioning and the prelaunch game setttings window. Dev cheats now described in the basics section.
New section--getting online--added
Federation Section: third strategy for Mayson described.
Klingon Section: outline of strategy listed for mainly TaQ�roja, but also a bit for Martok.
Cooperative Multiplayer Section: some basic hints added. Still largely incomplete
Version 3.0 Changes: New pictures and many corrections and additions--a little bit more info on the Tech Trees as well. Fleet Operations storyline and information on all factions, avatars, and plans current and future have been added (that which I could glean of course). Hotkey information added.
Klingon Section: still MIA
Version 2.9 Changes: Tons of new pictures and corrections overall
Romulan Section: small corrections
Federation: small corrections. Risner Strategy now added
Borg Section: Optimize strategy added.
Dominion Section: Strategy for both avatars added thanks to Mal.
Klingon Section: "Things to Note" and strategy for both avatars not yet included
Added Basics of Fleet Operations and Map Making guide. Thank you Zebh.
Version 2.8 Changes:
Romulan Section: redid mid-game transition for Helev, added slightly more info to the Mijural avatar. Redid anti-Borg section
Federation: Redid anti-Borg section. Risner strategy will be included in version 2.9 probably.
Borg Section: Assimilate strategy against all factions included. Optimize strategy against non-Borg still not included: stay tuned for version 2.9, probably.
Dominion Section: "Things to Note" and strategy for both avatars not yet included
Klingon Section: "Things to Note" and strategy for both avatars not yet included
Version 2.7 Changes:
Tips and Suggestions: bug hunting and fact checking
Romulan Section: bug hunting and fact checking
Federation Section: Risner strategy not yet included
Borg Section: Optimize strategy against non-Borg not yet included. Assimilate strategy not yet included.
Dominion Section: "Things to Note" and strategy for both avatars not yet included
Klingon Section: "Things to Note" and strategy for both avatars not yet included
Version | v3.14 | Author | Dominus_Noctis | Website | |
Downloads | 1,433 | Size | 10.26 MB | Created | 2009-08-28 |