Age of Darkness menu Age of Darkness menu

(2 votes)
BookBurner, 2008-09-11

Sick and tired of that same old boring starting menu in A2, with its happy little background twinkle and the poorly animated sequences of buttons? Then this might be for you. Owerlord has created a new build menu as part of a personal mod, referred to as "Age of Darkness". Things are now much more red and explosive on the main menu.

Be advised this is a 40MB download, bigger than some full race mods!

Worth a look. Very scary.


Just little something to make Armada 2 looks a bit darker. Menu from my personal mod called Age of Darkness...

extract somewhere and then copy into your Armada 2 folder.

any questions:
e-mail -----
ICQ -------- 473-864-836

Version    Author  BookBurner  Website   
Downloads  851  Size  40.31 MB  Created  2008-09-11 



#1 ameba 2008-09-11 08:11
is owerlord the former bookburner? i have seen this around half a year ago....
#2 Owerlord 2008-09-11 09:22
BookBurner is former Owerlord to be exact :-)

Yes it is me, I'm just toooooo lazy to create another acc with nick BookBurner :D
#3 Starblade. 2008-09-11 18:14
Took care of that for you, BookBurner. Or Owerlord. Whatever you're caling yourself these days. ;-)

#4 Owerlord 2008-09-12 00:05
Owerlord is the old one, so call me BookBurner :-)
#5 starfox1701 2008-09-12 00:09
Is this one animated?
#6 Owerlord 2008-09-12 02:19
no it isnt, maybe in time and in another version, but not for now,
#7 thunderfoot006 2008-09-17 17:21
I like it! All dark and moody. D/Ling now!

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