Trek Fonts All Races Trek Fonts All Races

(5 votes)
Unknown / Anonymous, 2003-10-22

This is a collection of fonts for pritty much all common race's you will come across in Star Trek, again, usefull for modders to use in textures, and also fun in your word documents Lol
Version    Author  Unknown / Anonymous  Website   
Downloads  1,133  Size  304.04 KB  Created  2003-10-22 



#1 ef2_gamer 2003-10-23 02:07
how do you make fonts??? man i just love these. I might just have to do a school report in romulan :-) ;-) :-)
#2 FileTrekker 2003-10-23 02:41
lmao, i dunno, but it would be extremely funny to hand in your sience essay in Klingon :lol:
#3 darkestvorlon 2003-10-23 18:06
Heh, If I did my science reports in klingon they would all end with Ha'DiBagH rofl
#4 FileTrekker 2003-10-23 22:03
lmao :thumbsup: i would probably just skip the schoolwork altogether and write some of the most dodgy and obsecen sentences in Klingon and hand it in.
#5 johndavid240 2003-10-25 01:14
a couple of sayings that should be remembered:

naDev tlhInganpu' tu'lu' ( There are Klingons around here )

bortaS bIr jabLu'Di'reH QaQqu' nay' ( Revenge is a dish which is best served cold )

I gotta download this! be able to not only speak Klingon, but write it as well

**title translation: Do you speak Klingon?
#6 FIREBALL_IV 2003-10-28 07:09
:o :o

what did ya go to klingon school? lol
#7 johndavid240 2003-10-28 11:11
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary

I also have the first publication of the Ferengi Rules of Accuasition

:D :lol: :D
#8 InterstellarMachine 2003-11-06 16:43
You tried to download a file from's download server, however, the place you came from is not!

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#9 thor1963 2006-01-21 15:46
now how do you install them? no read me text.

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