The Worf Song The Worf Song

(9 votes)
DarkMateria, 2005-01-19

Another great classic from DarkMateria here, his email address is but don't get in his way of the blood wine! Tongue

This file is copyrighted by Dark Materia

Email Address:

Version    Author  DarkMateria  Website   
Downloads  1,121  Size  5.77 MB  Created  2005-01-19 



#1 Guest 2005-01-19 09:13
there is no better download on this site! this is awsome! get it!

now to listen to picard

#2 Lt_Cmdr_Breslin 2005-01-20 02:56
I'm trying to put up another one now, I REALLY love these :P
#3 Tycoon 2005-01-20 04:07
Same as the Picard Song - SIMPLY BRILLIANT
#4 Deathbyteacup 2005-01-20 08:46
Oh dear, it loops perfectly, its been playing for about.... 3 hours :P

Klingons pwn.
#5 IKS_Yo_Mama 2005-02-21 13:37
I just downloaded this today- I stand here now and take my hat off to you THIS IS THE FUNNIEST WORF THING EVER possibly the BEST TREK PARADOY EVER..and the Best download on Filefront. I would advise everyone DOWNLOAD THIS NOW!! IF U DON'T THEN YOU ARE MISSING OUT, I love the martok chorus bit and the Sisko bit was are a genius..Can't wait to download the Picard Song!!! I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! Qapla!!!
#6 Admiral_Icehawk 2006-12-21 22:21
Funny Stuff, Wish I Found This Sooner, Funny As, And Good Metal/Techno


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