The Picard Song The Picard Song

(8 votes)
DarkMateria, 2005-01-19

This is that cult classic which gripped the trekking community since 2001! The authors new email address is

This file is copyrighted by Dark Materia

Email Address:

Version    Author  DarkMateria  Website   
Downloads  1,259  Size  5.31 MB  Created  2005-01-19 



#1 Guest 2005-01-19 09:18
oh this is too good.

he just kept talking in one long incredabely unbroken sentence. moving from topic to topic so that noone had the chance to interrupt. it was really quite hypnotic!

#2 Tycoon 2005-01-20 04:05
If this waz a POTD that could be rated i would give it a 10/10 (its brilliant) well done - classical lol!! been cracking up!!
#3 wotsits2000 2005-01-26 01:35
if u go to there has been an animation featuring picard and co made of the first part of this :-)
#4 AdmiralPicard 2005-02-12 18:35
This song totally rocks!! Thanks DarkMateria! 10/10 :thumbsup:
#5 student_without_a_cause 2005-02-21 13:43
Sublime, Just Brilliant. God this is just one of the best downloads

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