Star Trek: Fighter Command
Take a peek about 20 years into the future of the Star Trek from the Scimitar incident and you get what look's to be a nicely written out story about the incident's caused during numerous wars. Technologies have been created and ships have been destroyed. What you do require though is an open-mind, patience to read and and above all, a good imagination.
Now, I could spoil the rest for you, or I could let you read it...thought so. Now go download it!
This is the prologue for my new fan fiction novel Star Trek: Fighter Command.
Sorry I haven't been working on Stark Trek: Blitzkrieg, but I want to set a
back story to that novel.
WhtStr314 aka WhtStr1
Version | Author | WhtStr1 | Website | ||
Downloads | 903 | Size | 7.77 KB | Created | 2006-02-13 |