Jetfreak's ST: TWOK Parody Jetfreak's ST: TWOK Parody

(5 votes)
Jetfreak, 2008-03-29

My parody of ST: TWOK, this is basically a slideshow. I spent a few hours of work on this and it turned out very funny and very fun to do. I used storm3d, high poly ships and various image editors to make the pics. There is also dialogue and narration below each pic. I hope you enjoy this parody. All I can say to you is KHAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!

I'm also planning to make parodies of other ST Movies using the same technique.

Jetfreak's TWOK parody


- I was bored the other day so I made a parody of ST: TWOK.
- Using Storm 3D, various high poly models and image editing programs, I made this
- Basically, this file contains pictures that are needed to be viewed in order. You start from Scene 0 and it ends at Scene 76.
- Though the parody does not follow the movie's storyline in the right order, my friends found it very funny lol
- WARNING: The parody May contain excessive use of internet slang!


How to view/watch:
- This is basically a slide show
- Simply use any image viewing program and view the pics in order (Scene 0-Scene 76)
- It has some dialouge below the pic.


Story - Jetfreak
Shipyard - Farhes
Connie Refit - p81
Miranda - p81
Freighter - Farhes
Nebulas - A2 Upgrade Project by Freyr
Planets - From Yacuzza's M.U. Project
Sun - Stock a2
Other pics - From the Internet

Hope you enjoy this parody, prepare to lol and roflmao!
If you plan to edit or modify my work, plz. notify me.

- Jetfreak

Version  1.0  Author  Jetfreak  Website   
Downloads  852  Size  12.11 MB  Created  2008-03-29 



#1 Chiletrek 2008-03-29 11:09

Well, after seeing this I can only say:



Very cool Jetfreak, this idea just rocks and I hope you'll be able to make more Rock 10/10
#2 r5d5 2008-03-29 13:00
:D 10/10

Simply 10/10!
#3 Atlantis27 2008-03-29 14:36
Hmm, well the pictures are good...

As for the internet slang... well, that's all that there seems to be to it. Nothing very witty, clever, or appealing to someone who doesn't do "internet speak". I don't mean to be offensive, I just don't find it funny, anyone could've done it. If you do any more, PLEASE try to be more creative with them.

But, like I said, good marks for the pictures. =)

4/10, for the pictures and trying something new
#4 Jetfreak 2008-03-29 23:24
LOL, it was my friends idea to add so much internet lingo, they actually wrote 40% of the dialouge too! haha

Anyway, it was just for fun and laughs. It's a parody anyway, so plz dont take it to seriously. ;-)
#5 starfox1701 2008-03-30 19:41
My main thing with the slang is it isn't funny if you don't understand it I there where a few I didn't know so the jokes were lost.

#6 Intrepid781 2008-03-31 12:25
LOL 16309 b*tch made me laugh till my stomach hurt!! I loved it!!!
#7 IKS_Yo_Mama 2008-04-03 06:53
Nice parody Jet. Too much loling and rofling though..Remember what I said about the dangers of overusing loling and rofling are?

Still nice job 10/10

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