The Ultimate Map Pack Download. Ever The Ultimate Map Pack Download. Ever

(13 votes)
A2 On-Line Community, 2006-03-08

A total of 617 maps, created by hundreds of different people in the Armada II gaming community.

The maps are in a installation file for ease of installation and max compression. If you're looking for maps, this is simply the ultimate collection.

Version    Author  A2 On-Line Community  Website   
Downloads  2,933  Size  22.13 MB  Created  2006-03-08 



#11 Freyr 2006-03-11 11:31
He meant over 1000 - coming soon.

From reading the forums my guess would be that your problem is either one to many or not enough quotation marks in your ODF files, but I am not really a modder- you would be better off asking in the forums.
#12 The_great_assimilator 2006-08-23 18:21
i havent even looked at 1/4th of the maps yet
#13 miksmart5 2006-09-27 14:42
doe sthis have anything like the original simply boxes
#14 Freyr 2006-10-25 23:37
I would expect so, just by the sheer number of maps in here.

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