The Ultimate Map Pack Download. Ever.
"The Ultimate Map Pack Download. Ever" was thought to be just that, but [MDA]TParis (of the Clan, Mysterious Dark Association- link on the links page for those wondering) has just proven that a mere six hundred maps is not really that much. No, this pack has more than two thousand maps. Yes, thats 2000, not 200, not 20 and not a typo.
This contains, as one might expect quite an impressive number of maps. I might suggest that if your worried about disc space that you unzip it to a different folder before dropping it into your /bzn folder!
It should be noted that the majority of these maps have been unavailable to anybody that has not spent years in online gaming. The gaming community shares maps through the ingame downloads system, so there is a fairly Darwinian process for maps, lots of the ones here are not likely to have been seen to much my the majority of the gaming community let alone the modding community that visits the site.
Indeed, one problem is that two thousand maps is quite a lot. Luckily, having throught of everything there is also a "lite" pack on the site already which contains a sensible number (thats only a hundred and something) of the most popular maps, as played by the online gaming community.
You really ought to be downloading one or the other, possibly the other first and then this once you get fed up with the hundred or so "best" maps.
| A2 Online Mappack 2007 (full) Readme |
WARNING: This may heavily slow down your map preview screen in Armada 2!
This mappack contains over 2000 Armada 2 Maps...
Just install this into your Armada 2 folder (default: 'C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada II').
All credits go to the authors to the maps (see included readme files in the bzn-folder or the map preview screens). Some readmes are corrupted :/ , sry for that.
If I have included any of YOUR maps and u dont want to see them in my pack, just contact me (see below).
You are not allowed to redistribute this pack on CD, DVD etc, sell, modify or "plug" it into a mod without asking me.
Feel free to edit and distribute MY OWN maps.
Thx to [DD]triple, TAO-Starprowler and all the MDA members who have spent their map folders/packs to create this thing!
Email: mda_tparis AT gmx DOT de
MSN: mda_tparis AT gmx DOT de
Version | 2007 edition | Author | A2 On-Line Community | Website | |
Downloads | 4,080 | Size | 114.61 MB | Created | 2007-01-10 |
still a must have map pack 10/10
BTW: how long is the download time for this? I've got a pretty fast computer
lol very impressive works