The Bandlands The Bandlands

(3 votes)
Chris Edmund, 2004-05-08

This is a map pack consisting of badlands, hells gate, torment of tantalus, fort nox, valt of the ferngi heven and rough cut dimond.

name : christopher edmund
map name : The Bandlands
email :

there are 6 maps in this pack including the badlands map

the maps are named :


hells gate

torment of tantalus

fort nox

valt of the ferngi heven

rough cut dimond

the commen link amoung the files is : Danger death and money

kinda sounds like a Quarks imanganation with out the sex of course

Version    Author  Chris Edmund  Website   
Downloads  1,419  Size  332.55 KB  Created  2004-05-08 



#1 JF01 2004-06-16 06:41
seems cool!
#2 JF01 2004-06-16 06:47
Rock keep on rocking

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