SP Map Pack - Tutorial Maps SP Map Pack - Tutorial Maps

(3 votes)
adm_tyler, 2007-09-21

This mod makes the maps from the ingame tutorials playable. The six maps are interesting to say the least. The first map is a two player battleground which is basically a battle for control of resources, as they are scarce on this map, however having control of the metaphasic nebula should also be considered an objective.

Map Two: is a three player map and devoid of good resources (2 dilithium moons for 3 players) this should result in a dogfight for those moons

Map Three: is the best map for a good old large scale scrap. This map is divided into three areas (sectors) check screenshot below but is still a bit short on dilithium resources which will make the map conquest take that little but longer, A good tactic is to gain full control of the latinum nebulae and use the trading station to convert latinum to dilithium.

Map Four: Another odd map, with little resources but enough open space to ensure a fast-paced offensive game.

Map Five: Two planets, spacedust and nothing else. I suggest using max starting resources and throwing everything, including the kitchen sink, at the opposing planet's forces.

Map Six: The strangest map.. A fluidic gate with two players lining up.. This is a straight shoot-out between two fleets, ship to ship tactics are important here as there are no nebulae, asteroids, or planets to hide in or use to mask Fleet movements.

A good map pack, in fairness, but make sure you set the resources to max to make the games last longer. Smile

// Tutorial Maps
// Made by Tyler Chambers

//************ SECTION 1 - PURPOSE ********************************************************************

This adds the Tutorials as playable maps. I have tried to keep editing to a minimum.

//************* SECTION 2 - FILES INCLUDED *************************************************************

1. 6 Maps

////********** SECTION 3 - WHAT TO DO *****************************************************************

How to Use:
1. Copy all file to the correct folder.

////*********** SECTION 4 - MISC. THINGS ****************************************************************

These maps were Tutorials and not intended for playing on, so Infinate Resorces may be useful.


////********* SECTION 5 - CREDITS ***********************************************************************

Maps - Activision
Making the Playable - Me

////************* SECTION 6 - COPYRIGHT STUFF **********************************************************

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

////******** SECTION 7 - Contact *************************************************************************

Email: fadm_tyler@yahoo.co.uk


Version    Author  adm_tyler  Website   
Downloads  802  Size  168.14 KB  Created  2007-09-21 



#1 Chiletrek 2007-09-21 16:28

This is a very creative download I must say. a pack with the map we play so few, only when we play the game for the first time or a few other times, so it may be cool to have them to play something different and interesting.

Well done 10/10 Rock
#2 adm_tyler 2007-09-22 03:58
Thanks. This was 6 maps and it took some time to do, imagine ALL the Single Player maps!
#3 Chiletrek 2007-09-22 18:20

If you manage to get all the single player maps to work for Instant Action (or even as mini-wars maps) it would be awesome, and I bet some few people would like to see that :D

By the way, they are only 30 maps :oops:
#4 Chiletrek 2007-09-22 18:22

Sorry for double post :sad:

I got a wrong emoticon and there isn't one for what I wanted to show (maybe there is and I was lazy anough to not take a look), but instead of :oops: , I wanted to say : O.o because there are only 30 maps in Single Player Campaigns O.o
#5 colective010 2007-09-23 13:05
Ahh.... Some fresh maps that bring a player some challenge.... not just a perty thumbnail :-) :-) :-) ^_^ *_* °_° *_° (:
#6 IKS_Yo_Mama 2007-09-24 15:09
I am actually beginning to enjoy these more... I think Maps should be scare in resources or at least have a massive resource imbalance (such as too much latinum and not enough Dilithium) to make battles interesting. Also I think Nebulae should be placed in strategic positions so players can use them to advantage, although the AI is pretty crap at tactics so it wouldn't really matter much

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