Romulan mission pack Romulan mission pack

(2 votes)
DR_Chaotica, 2008-04-15

This contains 5 Romulan missions (not for SP) no simple objective just fun. the missions comprise of some A1 missions.

1. Destroy the borg base.
2. you are being chased in a field of asteroids and many derelicts available. even a federation base.
3. make your way through the blue nebula to the t'shar but be careful they might attack you. avoid the borg cubes and fusion cubes. Watch out for locutos and The terran empire
4. defend your base planet while trying to retrieve the omega Particle.
5. destroy the terran empire before they destroy yet another system.


Put all SOD files in the SOD dictionary
Put all BZN files in the BZN dictionary
put all ODF files in the ODF-ships dictionary

None so far. please notify me of any glitches.

Dominion ultimate 1.1 and space dock.

You may use this pack freely just credit me.

Thank you for downloading.

Version  V1.1  Author  DR_Chaotica  Website   
Downloads  624  Size  313.81 KB  Created  2008-04-15 



#1 ameba 2008-04-16 07:09
so ist this a1 or a2, are these maps or replacements for missions, where do i get the requered space dock - please make your descriptions more accurate, otherwise no one will dl this.
#2 DR_Chaotica 2008-04-16 07:32
A2 but they are from A1 (some) they don't replace any missions.
#3 TParis 2008-04-16 08:35
There are 2 Space Docks on the site, which one shall we use?
#4 DR_Chaotica 2008-04-16 09:04
either. or both
#5 DR_Chaotica 2008-04-16 13:39
I've unfortunately encountered a bug. Admiral sela's warbird comes up with a bug box. this will be fixed in the next version. disassemble the bug box in a ship-yard, then you will be able to save. I am really sorry in the next version with the other 5/20 missions this will be fixed.

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