Mapman's Magnificant Map Pack
This is a map pack that contains a collection of maps for Armada II.
1.Description: This is a Map Pack containing 28 different
Single- and Multiplayer Maps for Star Trek Armada 2.
2.Installation: 1.Extract the ".zip" archive to your Desktop.
2.Open the "MAPS" folder and copy all files from there
into your "bzn" folder in the "ArmadaII" folder.
3.Introduction: You are bored by the monotonous ArmadaII Maps à la;
-starting with a base and 2 cons,-looking for moons and
planets,-building as quick as possible warships-and
after 10 minutes the "war" is over?
Mapman´s magnificent Map Pack is the solution!
16 Maps, 12 of them in 2 types so we have 28.
There are 6 different kinds of playing like capture the flag,
defend your planet or assault. All Maps were extensive tested.
Everybody who played with me on these Maps was enthusiastic!
It takes a lot of work but I wanted to go back to the roots of
Star Trek the way it was meant to be!
4.The Maps:#Armada War:
354 federation ships versus 385 romulan ships!!(6400 officers)
Decide between the federation Armada led by Jean-Luc Picard
and the romulan Armada led by Admiral Sela and fight
the greatest battle ever.
This is a nice tactical Map only for Multiplayer-Assault.
#The Wormhole Sector:
This is like a big cosmical labyrinth with 48 wormholes
to 16 sectors with lots of ressources.
You can fight for planets in the Multiplayer-colonize-planets
or against each other in the Single/Multiplayer-regular.
#Can You Survive In Fluid-Space?:
You are in the spezies´s 8472 homesector deep in fluid-space
so this is a good question!
You have infinite ressources
but that´s no hindrance for spezies 8472. So have a good luck!
This is a great battle Map for Multiplayer-defend-planet and
You are in a asteroidfield full of latinum and a
Transwarpgate to get out. But stay in because;
"resistance is futile...". A long-playing Map
for Multiplayer-Assault and Single/Multiplayer-regular.
#Stars and Stripe:
You have enough ressources? Built warships and
"transwarp" your rivals!
This is a great battle Map for Multiplayer-defend-planet and
#Sector 001:
This is a Single/Multiplayer-regular Map of our Sol-System.
With all its planets and objects.
Your order: defend home!
#The Transwarpcenter:
There are 39 sectors full of ressources, secrets and surprise.
In the middle a undestroyable Transwarpcenter.
This is a huge tactical Map for Multiplayer-capture-the-flag
and Single/Multiplayer-regular. You can play for days on this Map!
The sun on these map becames a supernova which destroys everything.
So hurry up! For Multiplayer-collect-latinum and
#The Ferengi Trade:
To win on this map you have to trade like a ferengi!
For Multiplayer-collect-latinum and Single/Multiplayer-regular.
#The Mass Grave:
There are no planets, moons and latinum-nebulas in this sector.
So how to get ressources? Capture the abandoned ships and stations
and form a strong armada to win.
A funny Map for Multiplayer-Assault and Single/Multiplayer-regular.
#Assimilation Tourney:
You start with a special tactical fusion cube.
Your order is to assimilate the hole sector
and to destroy your rivals!
"Negotiation is irrelevant" for Multiplayer-Assault and
This Multiplayer-Assault Map is like an interstellar race.
you win the race if you reach the abandoned base at first.
But be carefull. The course is pretty hard.
#Galactic Core:
Destroy your rivals in the center of our galaxy.
For Multiplayer-capture-the-flag and Single/Multiplayer-regular.
#Colonize me if you can:
This job looks very easy. Colonize the planet in the middle
of the Map to win. But there is a catch.....
Only for Multiplayer-colonize-planets.
#The Cube:
62800 drones! You can put 875 normal cubes into it!
This is Cube C 001-39300. Before you can destroy your rivals
you have to destroy this "real" borg cube.
For Multiplayer-capture-the-flag and Single/Multiplayer-regular.
#The Omega Particle:
In this sector was a great war. The Cardassian found a new
Omega Particle. The Collective tried everything to capture it.
Without success. This is handed to spezies 8472 on a plate.
Extract ressources from the wracked ships and find
the Omega Particle because you can extract infinite ressources
from it! For Multiplayer-Assault and Single/Multiplayer-regular.
5.Totally: 13 Single/Multiplayer Maps:
13 regular Maps
15 Multiplayer Maps:
6 assault Maps
2 defend-planet Maps
2 collect-latinum Maps
3 capture-the-flag Map
2 colonize-planets Map
2 player maps: 2
3 player maps: 1
4 player maps: 11
5 player maps: 2
6 player maps: 7
7 player maps: 3
8 player maps: 2
6.Credit: These Maps were all created by me.
I used the Armada2 stuff, the Armada2 editor and
MS Windows Paint.
7.Contact: e-mail:
You can meet me in the ArmadaII Gamespy-lobby.
My nicknames are "-=/\=mapman" or "-=/\".
Version | Author | Mapman | Website | ||
Downloads | 3,455 | Size | 3.08 MB | Created | 2005-08-28 |