Map Pack One (By Armad2) Map Pack One (By Armad2)

(3 votes)
Armad2, 2004-07-31

This contains 8 maps by Armada2. They are well designed, i think my faveorite map, at least design-wise in this pack is the playground1 map. This is definatly worth the download if you want some cool new maps to play on.

This contains 8 maps one for each player amount 2-8 and a small edit on warzone called BlastZone. Just extract all the files in into the bzn folder and have fun.

Version    Author  Armad2  Website   
Downloads  1,057  Size  313.61 KB  Created  2004-07-31 



#1 GeneralMKII 2004-07-31 02:30
Those maps look pretty good. I cant wait for map pack 2 if there will be one.
#2 armad2 2004-08-01 09:29
So any comments on the maps for future designs or upgrades to these maps.

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