Map Pack Alpha
This is a collection of the first five maps seanabooth made. Get this if you want all the maps and dont need a seperate downloads, but if you like the look of one, and dont want larger download size, the stand alone maps can be found on the site.
Installation Instructions:
Extract "Gamma Quadrantl.bzn"
"Gamma Quadrantl.bmp"
"Gamma Quadrantl.txt"
"8472 Horror.bzn"
"8472 Horror.bmp"
"8472 Horror.txt"
"Alternate Reality.bzn"
"Alternate Reality.bmp"
"Alternate Reality.txt"
"Wolf359 Aftermath.bzn"
"Wolf359 Aftermath.bmp"
"Wolf359 Aftermath.txt"
"Divided Empires.bzn"
"Divided Empires.bmp"
"Divided Empires.txt" into your Armada2\bzn directory.
Info on it:
This Contains The First 5 Maps I Ever Made For Armada 2.
Map:- Gamma Quadrant (2PLAYER)
It is a standard size 2player map. One player has one half, and the other player has the
other half.wormhole connect each half to the center passage through the map, intended to
represent the inside of the wormhole.there are several nebulas, 1 planet (either bajor or
the Vorta homeworld kareel prime), and 1 dilithium moon.there is an abandoned cardassian
outpost at the wormhole entrance in the alpha quadrant and several abandoned vessels in the
cardassian\romulan invasion force, lead by enobran tain, which were lost in the Gamma
Map:- 8472 Horror (2PLAYER)
It is a standard size 2player map. the map is split into 3 sections. the top section and
bottom section (for players) and the middle section which is the only way through to the
other side. this center region is populated with species 8472 ships and fluidic nebulas
making them very hard to be detected. it is possible to get past species 8472 however it
takes great fire power. there are also an equal amount of dilithium moons, planets and
derelict ships on each side.
Map:- Alternate Reality (2PLAYER)
It is a standard size 2player map. One player has one half, and the other player has the
other half.wormhole connect each half to the center passage through the map, intended to
represent the inside of the wormhole.there is also there is the pathway inside the bajoran
wormole which leads to the alternate reality universe, as seen in the Deep Space Nine
Series on several occasions. there are several nebulas, 1 planet (either bajor or the Vorta
homeworld kareel prime), and 1 dilithium moon. there is an abandoned cardassian outpost at
the wormhole entrance in the Alpha quadrant.
Map:- Wolf359 Aftermath (2PLAYER)
the map is based on the battle of the borg at wolf 359. since that region was just open
space this map is not cannon and not intended to be. each player has a starting point
which is accessable via 1 entrance only. the rest of the map has ships and stations which
are either abandoned or have little health. these ships consist of romulan, klingon,
cardassian, borg and federation.
Map:- Divided Empires (4PLAYER)
It is split into four sections with the centeral area being a gateway of wormholes connected
to each 1 of the four sections. there is one M-Class planet per section aswell as four
infinate dilithium moons and a few latinum nebulas.
Type of Mod: Map Pack
Bugs: None so far.
Author: seanabooth
Hope you all enjoy it!
Version | Author | seanabooth | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,871 | Size | 318.96 KB | Created | 2003-10-14 |