Darko_MapPack Darko_MapPack

(10 votes)
Darko, 2004-10-20

A new map pack by Darko.

Haven't played them all yet but they look good.

11 maps (+ 4 variants) for Fleet Operations (FleetOps v2) conversion of Star Trek Armada 2.

Essentially diverse maps to fill the void in FleetOps map continuum and simply to make the selection greater.

I made all maps for fun, you may use (and modify) them freely, just notify me about any changes.
Try them... and have fun!
At least some of them you'll surely like.

Any comments, ideas, criticism are welcome :)

Map list (in alphabetical order):

Apocalypse - 4 players
Betrayal - 6 players (3 different map variants)
Bystander - 8 players
Centerfold - 6 players (2 different map variants)
Challenger - 8 players
A Dare - 6 players
Dead Sea - 4 players
Kobayashi Maru - 7 players (2 different map variants)
Myriad - 3 players
Rabbit - 5 players
Tadeja - 8 players

Screenshots included.

Installation instructions:
Copy (unzip) the files to your FleetOps bzn folder and that`s it.
-usually: C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations\bzn\

Darko (nick: Jarod / Jarod0)

Legal Stuff

This file is not supported or affiliated with Activision. I will not be held accountable for
any damage done to your computer by use of these files or techniques.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! This file is freeware. It is not to be sold.

You may not sell user-created missions commercially.
You should respect the rights of the property owners.
You have to ask for permission if you want to use one of this in any mod.

Version    Author  Darko  Website   
Downloads  1,781  Size  997.87 KB  Created  2004-10-20 



#1 Jarod0 2005-12-14 14:26
Screenshots, please ?

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