A2 Online Mappack 2007 (lite) A2 Online Mappack 2007 (lite)

(5 votes)
TParis, 2007-01-08

Well, I can't say what this looks like, or what is included, as the ReadMe is included within the installation file (.exe). Unfortunately, I haven't got time to install every MOD that I upload. - This one is for you lot to vote and discuss.

- If there is a problem with the file (due to credits and such) contact me, Joel or Freyr
- Curtis, next time, could you please attach the ReadMe outside of the .exe file. Thanks!

- Ash

No ReadMe!

Version    Author  TParis  Website   
Downloads  1,681  Size  6.87 MB  Created  2007-01-08 



#1 Curtis_R 2007-01-20 13:40
oh i'll be sure to include a "readme" outside the file next time...when the file is actually mine. Rock
#2 TParis 2007-01-21 07:36
rehost plz

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