Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe

(18 votes)
The Dominion, 2002-06-26

This map is divided into a standard tic tac toe playing field, with wormholes connecting the areas. A nice map.

Version    Author  The Dominion  Website   
Downloads  4,144  Size  47.61 KB  Created  2002-06-26 



#1 Challenger 2002-08-05 08:37
I've looked long time for that A2 port of my Favourite A1 map! :-)
#2 Guest 2002-08-28 10:19
really nice map, did find one problem in that in the bottom asteroid wall of the top left square, there's a gap in the asteroids so ships can get thru (made me jump first time i played when a borg coloniser appeared out of nowhere)
#3 DOCaCola 2003-06-22 06:53

i made a Fleet Operations version of the armada 1 map some time ago too. It's available through the fleetops map pack

DOCa Cola
#4 Star701 2007-04-15 20:08
Qoute by #1:I've looked long time for that A2 port of my Favourite A1 map! :-)

Couldn't feel a bit different!

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