From Hell's Heart From Hell's Heart

(2 votes)
ISS_Enterprise_D, 2009-06-12

This is the first file from ISS Enterprise-D, which was created for Fleet Operations.

ISS E-D asked for a review and tips for future mods. Next time, maybe a map this good for stock A2? Next time, maybe mods for A2, too? Not everyone plays FleetOps. Not everyone wants to; not everyone can. But the map looks pretty decent.

Worth a look if you're a FlOpper.



Simply copy the files into the FleetOps BZN directory, start up your game and enjoy.

Since this is my first map, I personally don't think it's amazing, but I found it adequate enough to upload here.

Version  for FleetOps ONLY  Author  ISS_Enterprise_D  Website   
Downloads  486  Size  24.33 KB  Created  2009-06-12 



#1 Atlantis27 2009-06-13 01:12
Not a very impartial review, I must say. Totally missing any thoughts or description of the work itself (aside from "looks pretty decent", just a complaint that it's for Fleet Ops.

If mods and maps for Fleet Ops are not welcome here, you may's well make it official...
#2 starfox1701 2009-06-13 23:57
The Kid can't run FO on his PC it crash everything.
#3 theStarfleetKid 2009-06-14 07:43
"If mods and maps for Fleet Ops are not welcome here, you may's well make it official..."

If it can only be run for Fleet Ops, it's not for everyone. If it can only be run in Dawn of War or Art of War or Zero Hour or whatever, it's not for everyone. FleetOps is simply the most prominent among many mods that do things to the game which aren't for A2 1.1. Thus, not for everyone.

#4 Atlantis27 2009-06-14 23:20
Yeeeees, I understand that, but that doesn't justify a review of simply "Why not make mods for stock a2?" The guy asked for a review, criticism of his work and skill, and what was written just doesn't do that, it simply attacks the fact that it's for FlOps.

All that you needed to do to show "it's not for everyone" was put "for FleetOps ONLY" somewhere. And you did. In the mod title, version number, first line of the "Description"...

Not a big deal, just thought I should mention it, as it doesn't come across very well.
#5 Chief_Chainsaw 2009-06-15 10:36
While I don't think the intent in the phrasing was negative, just a desire to enhance the community as a whole rather than a niche, I do gotta say it does kinda have a slightly harsh tone to it I'm absolutely sure you didn't intend to convey, Kid. It's just that through text people can't get the inflections and tone you'd project in speech, and it can be easily misinterpreted. Hope nobody takes offense, just giving another perspective...
#6 theStarfleetKid 2009-06-15 13:55
Not intended as it sounded, Atlantis-- and noted for next time.

#7 ST_and_SW_Freak 2009-06-19 14:49
I liked that FlOppers joke I rofl'd so hard :D :roll: seriously though I have FleetOps and I like this map. Not only is it a great map, but also a pioneer for FleetOps based maps and mods. Let's see if anyone follows in ur footsteps ISS-Ent-D ;-) .

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