Breaker Rift map Breaker Rift map

(3 votes)
Chris Edmund, 2003-07-05

This is the Breaker Rift map by Chris Edmund.

----------------------------Breaker Rift--------------------------------

My name : Chris Edmund

Age : 16


Number of players : 8

Requirements : Star Trek Armarda II mod :

Birth of the Federation part 1 Version 1.0

(the BOTF mod that is not on Armada2files)

Install : place the 3 files (in the bnz folder) into

C:/program files/Activision/Star Trek Armarda II/bnz

Then Run the game in instant action or multi player

It should be under the 8 player maps secation

Info about map : this map is supposed to represent

the breaker rift form Star Trek Elite Force 2

The Atrixians have 20 worlds

(about 20 worlds included)

Dilitieum moons form normal to infanent

a few scatered Resorce nebulas,

balck holes

Gammon type stars

I hope you like this


for downloading

Chris Edmund

Version    Author  Chris Edmund  Website   
Downloads  804  Size  33.01 KB  Created  2003-07-05 



#1 Guest 2003-07-07 07:22
sry but shouldnt it be green '^^
#2 Hardyous_of_vulcan 2003-11-29 00:08
do all the planets make immpossible to go to warp? if so thats a bit *****ie, nostalgic of armarda 1 though :roll:

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